Experts’ views
Lively beauty
Peclers Paris
The global fascination with aesthetic perfection and the omnipresence of youth-obsession are gradually being challenged by a more...
Fragrance on the rise as markets continue to grow globally
Emmanuelle Moeglin
The sweet smell of success has continued to spread across the global fragrance market which was estimated at nearly $30 billion in 2013,...
Organic, sustainable or Fair Trade. Which certification best suits cosmetic ingredients?
Laurence Mulon
Consumers’ interest in natural and ethical cosmetics and the growing need for meaningful and committed consumption have enhanced the...
The revival of seniors
Pascale Brousse
At what age does one start using anti-aging creams in cosmetics? 20! At what age is one considered a senior in cosmetics? 60 or even 50!...
How to become the darling of bloggers?
Stéphane Sourdillat
Cosmetics brands, more than any others are driven by a fierce determination to maintain with their female consumers, a link comparable to...
USA innovation: An ergonomic nail polish brush financed by its customers
Laurence Bacilieri
Nail polish represents an indisputably flourishing market, though it is actually reaching a much-needed renewal phase in the United...
Focus on the first cosmetics meetings of West Africa
Stéphanie Morou
The first “Cosmetics and sustainable development in West Africa” congress, which took place in Dakar, Senegal, last November 5-7, 2013,...
USA: Will 2014 be the year of luxury?
Laurence Bacilieri
The USA is no.1 in the world in terms of great fortunes, and remains paradise for the luxury cosmetic industry, as can be seen with the...
What if the “selfie” phenomenon was redefining beauty standards?
Leïla Rochet-Podvin
“Selfie” has been voted Word of the Year 2013. This phenomenon refers to smartphone self-portraits that get shared on the web: it was...