Three key targets
"We have more than ever the ambition to be the world leader in our industry," said Ashok Sudan, CEO, "with three specific objectives: provide the best quality and a high level of service, invest to upgrade our facilities and make them more efficient, concentrate our resources to innovate and, ultimately, have a responsible attitude vis-à-vis society by minimizing the use of our precious resources."
And, according to him, the launch of the Infinite Glass proves that what is good for the environment and the society can also be good for business. "By focusing on innovation, it seems then possible to meet the challenge of sustainable development without having to sacrifice on quality."
First investments as of 2010

Main decisions taken at the industrial level to reach these five year objectives:
– As of this year, a first investment tranche at the plant of Mers with the internalization of sorting, modernization of decoration workshops and the intensification of continuous progress.
– Next year will see the deployment of these actions and investments at a global level.
"In 2012, explains Raymond Sinnah, SGD Managing Director, we aim to achieve sustainable excellence by differentiating ourselves through the quality level achieved, greater flexibility and finally, our commitment to innovation.” Total amount: 250 million euros.