Rexam announced yesterday its plan to reorganise its entire make-up business in France. Two manufacturing units are concerned, Rixam Simandre (Burgundy, North-East France) and Rexam Reboul (Rhônes-Alpes, South East France), where a total of 188 jobs would be cut.
“This reorganisation aims to preserve Rexam’s competitiveness in the make-up business in France,” said Rexam’s management in a release.
Rexam said its sales during the first six months of the year dropped by 30% compared to the same period last year, and by more than 50% in France. According to the company’s forecasts, the accumulated operating loss for the two sites could reach 11 million Euros.

Rexam’s aim is to “specialise the factories’ operations and to simplify the way support and management activities are organised and run”. In practice, the Reboul unit should focus on lipsticks, while the Simandre unit will specialise in closure systems. Following the restructuration, Rexam’s French operations in the make-up sector will be based on about 400 staffs.
Negotiations with the trade unions and employee representatives are underway, Rexam added.