Experts’ views
Replexium™ - Rapid improvement in visible signs of skin aging
Torsten Clarius
With life expectancy increasing, the global market for skincare products that contribute to a youthful, vibrant appearance is growing...
When spirituality infuses our cosmetics - USA trends
Cosmetics Inspiration & Creation
Recently, the power of stones has made a major come back, with an upsurge of appetite for wellness and well-being, as the notion of...
Microbiome: from breeze to storm (Part 1)
Marie-Alice Dibon
It is here, all settled, not ready to disappear. And it seems it has become the darling of the cosmetics world. It arrived on tiptoe...
Synthetic perfume ingredients - A justified backlash
Remi Pulverail
Everyone has been in a state of panic since early 2018! How come? There is a shortage of raw materials vital to the industry. The...
Full-Service: mini promotional packs are getting bigger
Candice Jacoud
There is a revolution going on in sampling and promotional & travel-size pack solutions. The current challenge is to meet brands’...
Microbial contamination of cosmetic accessories: Risks and solutions?
Cosmetic accessories and applicators are examples of high-risk products in terms of microbial contamination during use. This...
Genderless innovation based on neuroscience
John Jiménez
The history of dance is rich in innovations, from the first creations of ballet master Jean-Georges Noverre, to the modern dance of...
The Skin microbiota: a target for Next Generation active ingredients
Mathieu Bey
The skin surface is composed of molecules derived from our skin cells, our environment and from the microorganisms living on our skin....
Resynchronizing the skin’s well-being clock: the circadian rhythm
Clariant Active Ingredients
In 2017, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine awarded discoveries on the molecular mechanisms controlling circadian rhythm. The...
7 interesting products from Thai beauty companies
Sharon Kwek
The Thai beauty industry is growing, and according to Mintel Market Sizes, Thailand’s colour cosmetics retail sector is estimated to grow...