Fifth plant
2010 is to mark a milestone for the group headed by Jeff Chen as HCP starts up next March, its brand new injection plant in Mexico, the fifth of the group (three in China and one in the United States). HCP Mexico is located in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, near the U.S. border.
The plant initially having 110 employees and 8 injection molding, machines will cover 10,000 m2 of buildings. Eight new air-blown injection molding machines should come into operation before the end of the year as well as assembly and decoration machines to design vials of mascara and lip gloss. The facility will also manufacture jars and make-up cases and will be equipped during the year with a polishing line and a vacuum metallization workshop.

50th anniversary
The new plant, which reinforces the internationalization of the group outside China, comes at a time when HCP prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary ... A amazing performance for this company of Chinese origin which remains to date the only one to have decided to exploit fully the internationalization of its production tool to support locally its key customers.
In 2004, HCP took over its current U.S. plant in New Hampshire. A strategy that seems to have paid off, since six years later the company is moving to Mexico. Meanwhile, it was inaugurating its third plant in China. HCP is one of the few industry players in the processing of plastic parts for the beauty industry to have invest as much in times of economic turmoil.
To note eventually, that recently the company was awarded with the Supplier Excellence Award a prize granted each year by P&G.