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Science, R&D

What is the potential for personalized genomics and epigenetics in cosmetic science?

What is the potential for personalized genomics and epigenetics in cosmetic science?

The 28th European Democosmetology Days organized by the European Centre for Dermocosmetology (CED) in Lyon, France, on the 30th and 31st...

"Changes in the rheological properties of the skin open very promising prospects," Bérengère Fromy, CNRS

"Changes in the rheological properties of the skin open very promising prospects," Bérengère Fromy, CNRS

In the late 1990s, by using mathematics for the benefit of biology, Bérengère Fromy highlighted the skin adaptation phenomenon to,...

“Information is more important than matter”, Pierre-Henri Gouyon

“Information is more important than matter”, Pierre-Henri Gouyon

Pierre-Henri Gouyon, Researcher and Professor at the French Museum of Natural History and Agro Paris Tech, will hold the inaugural...

Study shines light on another benefit of sunlight

Study shines light on another benefit of sunlight

A study, published in the journal, Scientific Reports, highlights another powerful benefit of sunlight. Already known for stimulating...

Jean-Paul Marty Days 2016: The impact of pollution on the skin

Jean-Paul Marty Days 2016: The impact of pollution on the skin

The 7th edition of the Jean-Paul Marty Days organized by the French Society of Cosmetology (SFC) gathered a very large audience on the...

UV filters possibly linked to the increased frequency of frontal fibrosing alopecia

UV filters possibly linked to the increased frequency of frontal fibrosing alopecia

Described for the first time in 1994, frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) was relatively rare until the early 2000s. It has become...

Scientists reveal the secret of frankincense

Scientists reveal the secret of frankincense

It is one of the oldest fragrances in the world. Nicolas Baldovini’s team at the Institut de chimie de Nice (CNRS/UNS) has just...

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In vitro method in sun care, a status

In vitro method in sun care, a status

Replacing in vivo methods for sunscreen products is urgent but there are several hinders and questions, says Marc Pissavini, prior to the...

3D bioprinting of skin tissues: better and better-performing techniques

3D bioprinting of skin tissues: better and better-performing techniques

The topic of skin tissue 3D printing was at the core of the scientific day organized in early June by the European Centre of...

Study suggests triclosan has no impact on human microbiome or endocrine function

Study suggests triclosan has no impact on human microbiome or endocrine function

Triclosan, a synthetic antibacterial agent used in many kinds of personal hygiene products since the 1980s, would not have a major...

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latest news

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada is tightening its requirements for imported cosmetic products. Starting in March 2025, every new cosmetic notification must...

GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

Beauty application expert GEKA has introduced its Roctool Heat & Cool Technology, an induction molding method that produces precise,...

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Every year in Paris, the Fragrance Innovation Summit brings together from the fine perfumery industry—composition houses, brands,...

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