Science, R&D
IFSCC 2014: The cosmetics industry takes to "omics" sciences
From the genome to anti-aging creams, “omics” sciences invited themselves at the 28th congress of the International Federation of...
Clinical analysis: The value of quantitative measures in cosmetics
How to measure the effects of a cosmetic formula or simply of a given active? Among the many solutions available, the high resolution...
Hydration, barrier function and tissue structures on the programme of the IFSCC 2014 Congress
A few weeks before the start of the congress organised by the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC), which...
Reconstructed custom skin models for cosmetic assessments
LabSkin Creations, a young company specialized in the assessment of cosmetic ingredients and skin care products is planning to propose...
Sensory 2014: emotion, the key factor of marketing success?
Since it was created by the Cosmetic Valley, the Sensory congress has been considering emotions and the sensory from a global standpoint....
"Research in cosmetology is going beyond the borders of the cosmetic sector," Claudie Willemin, SFC
The 28th International Congress of the IFSCC (International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists) will take place in Paris from...
EU-project aims to develop environment-friendly production processes for cosmetics
As the demand for natural and eco-friendly cosmetics keeps on growing a new EU-project aims to replace chemical techniques currently used...
"Physicochemical properties are a key to the efficacy of cosmetics," Stéphanie Briançon, CNRS
A teacher and researcher in the Laboratoire automatique et génie des procédés (UMR CNRS 5007), at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1,...
"In a near future, we will be able to anticipate tissue degradation," Thierry Hoc, Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Thierry Hoc is a Lecturer–researcher at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon. He is steering a group studying the aging of living tissues, within...
HelioScreen aims at more reliable in vitro sunscreen tests thanks to new robot
When performing in vitro UV protection tests, the ability to correctly reproduce the application is the major difficulty. In order to...