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World class news for the beauty and cosmetics industries

Experts’ views

WeChat and beauty brands in China

WeChat and beauty brands in China

Olivier Vérot

On WeChat, the main mobile text and voice messaging communication service in China, beauty brands achieve the best consumer engagement...

Towards a reconciliation of opposites? Part 2

Towards a reconciliation of opposites? Part 2

Leïla Rochet-Podvin

Today, the merging of opposites contributes to redefining beauty practices and standards. Rémy Oudghiri (Sociovision) and Leila...

Towards a reconciliation of opposites? Part 1

Towards a reconciliation of opposites? Part 1

Leïla Rochet-Podvin

Today, the merging of opposites contributes to redefining beauty practices and standards. Rémy Oudghiri (Sociovision) and Leila...

Contouring revolution fuels need for further customization.

Contouring revolution fuels need for further customization.

Nina Nowak

While contouring is going mainstream, Canadean (ex Datamonitor Consumer), provides its vision of beauty innovation for Q2 2015....

Black Beauty Fair, Abidjan, Ivory Coast: a look back on the first edition

Black Beauty Fair, Abidjan, Ivory Coast: a look back on the first edition

Stéphanie Morou

As the whole world sees Africa as the land promising new horizons to our mature cosmetics markets, the first edition of the Black Beauty...

Science and trends: an obvious, promising match

Science and trends: an obvious, promising match

Marie-Alice Dibon

Is it like putting chalk and cheese together? At least, that is what I felt I was preaching for when I started reflecting on this theme....

Sun Care: 2015 Vintage - Simply sunshine all year long!

Sun Care: 2015 Vintage - Simply sunshine all year long!

Laurence Bacilieri

Each month, the Société Française de Cosmétologie organises a series of conferences. Those from the month of June focused on the theme of...

Digital is all the rage, beauty is bubbling with excitement

Digital is all the rage, beauty is bubbling with excitement

Leïla Rochet-Podvin

It is a fact: technology has entered our daily lives and is directly impacting our relationship with beauty. New applications, the boom...

6 trends from China Beauty Expo 2015

6 trends from China Beauty Expo 2015

Olivier Vérot

China Beauty Expo 2015 just ended in Shanghai. This trade show is an opportunity for all the new brands to promote themselves on the...

A sensory journey in Paris

A sensory journey in Paris

Helen Kupfer Haas

The quality of the customer experience in increasingly theatrical outlets is one of the key factors of success for luxury retail. This...

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latest news

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada is tightening its requirements for imported cosmetic products. Starting in March 2025, every new cosmetic notification must...

When it comes to tubes, ’less is more’ for Albéa

When it comes to tubes, 'less is more' for Albéa

Albéa Tubes EcoTop range offers disruptive, lightweight caps for high differentiation and reduced carbon footprint. In the...

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Every year in Paris, the Fragrance Innovation Summit brings together from the fine perfumery industry—composition houses, brands,...

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