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Science, R&D

New cell-based tests promise alternative to animal testing

New cell-based tests promise alternative to animal testing

Scientists in the United States published first results for a faster, more efficient way of gauging the toxicity of chemicals, which may...

Nanomaterial additives improve performances of cosmetic packaging

Nanomaterial additives improve performances of cosmetic packaging

Results of the second phase of the NANOPACK research project show that nanomaterial additives in plastic polymers can enhance the...

Jean-Paul Marty Days: Skin microbiota in the focus

Jean-Paul Marty Days: Skin microbiota in the focus

The 7th edition of the Jean-Paul Marty Days organized by the French Society of Cosmetology (SFC) gathered a massive crowd around the...

Aging: Shiseido links “sagging skin” to impaired lymphatic function

Aging: Shiseido links “sagging skin” to impaired lymphatic function

Shiseido recently unveiled the results of a study demonstrating that impaired function of dermal lymphatic vessels lead to accumulation...

"The time when botanists were analysing isolated plants has gone," Pr. Gilles Comte

"The time when botanists were analysing isolated plants has gone," Pr. Gilles Comte

As a specialist of botanical resources, Pr. Gilles Comte has headed the Centre for Studies on Natural Substances (Centre d’Étude des...

Signs of aging appear in mid-20s, study finds

Signs of aging appear in mid-20s, study finds

Aging is typically studied in the elderly, but a study by searchers from Duke University (North Carolina) released recently said...

The CED explores the different facets of plant neochemistry

The CED explores the different facets of plant neochemistry

The 27th European Dermocosmetology Days organized by the European Centre of Dermocosmetology (CED) gathered about a hundred people to...

From safety to efficacy: in vitro methods are becoming essential to the cosmetics industry

From safety to efficacy: in vitro methods are becoming essential to the cosmetics industry

The last edition of the In-Cosmetics show in Barcelona was an opportunity for the CED (European Centre of Dermocosmetology) to present...

New generations of after-sun creams could protect better the skin, a new research suggests

New generations of after-sun creams could protect better the skin, a new research suggests

Many of the damage that ultraviolet radiation does to skin occurs hours after sun exposure, a Yale-led team of researchers concluded in a...

Study takes step towards a pill able to turn white fat into brown fat

Study takes step towards a pill able to turn white fat into brown fat

Of course it won’t provide the numerous health benefits of exercise, but researchers at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) have...

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latest news

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Created in 2009 in Milan (Italy), Esxence, The Art of Perfumery, is the one of the main global fragrance fairs for Niche perfumery. This...

Tubing mascaras: “The eye makeup trend brands must meet,” says IL Cosmetics

Tubing mascaras: “The eye makeup trend brands must meet,” says IL Cosmetics

In the ever-evolving world of beauty, IL Cosmetics listens and monitors to emerging and underlying trends. As it will present its latest...

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

The 2024 edition of in-cosmetics Global, which will be held in Paris from April 16 to 18, 2024, will once again be an opportunity for...

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