Premium Beauty News - This last summer, you were appointed as new President of the European Dermocosmetology Centre (Centre européen de dermocosmétologie - CED), which is based in Lyon. You are declaring a strong willingness to boost this organisation.
Dominique Bouvier - Action was needed. I took the decision at that time with the difficulties that you can imagine, I mean that I am already strongly committed to the management of Strand Cosmetics Europe, within the harsh economic context of 2009… At the same time, it was also important to motivate the CED members in order to crack the whip of the organisation’s activities, and thus to promote the assets of the Rhône-Alpes region in the cosmetics business, in particular its industrial capabilities and university laboratories. Indeed, the cosmetic science is closely linked to the health sector, which plays a major role in the economy of the region.
What we need is to strengthen the association’s image through a common and visible project. Therefore we have to insist on the strategic vision of our association, in particular with decision makers.

Premium Beauty News - What concrete actions are you planning?
Dominique Bouvier - We have already entered into an agreement with the SFC [1] in order to organize a one-day preview of the IFSCC [2] in Lyon in 2014. You may think it is a distant event, but actually it is not. For us it is an opportunity, with the aim that this day be the highlight of this global event.
We must work immediately in order to attract the world’s most renown scientists with an ambitious and relevant programme that will highlight all the competences of the region’s universities.
Premium Beauty News - What are your main assets?
Dominique Bouvier - There are other associations, like the Cosmetic Valley or Cosmed, that make a very good job… So is there room left for another association? Yes! Of course yes!
Our main asset is our cluster of universities, with its researchers and scientists. There is room left for us as a pole of excellence in the field of research in cosmetic science.
We can assert ourselves strongly and differently through the concept of science for the sake of cosmetology. We need to develop a strong image that will be recognized worldwide. I believe it is possible, as far as we rely on the quality of our graduate schools and universities.
Eventually, the three main axes of our communication are:
– Rhône-Alpes or Lyon
– Human skin and health
– Science and expertise
Our three main working axes, which are to be further developed are:
– science / research
– upstream and downstream synergies
– internaional / eexports
Furthermore, the next regulatory changes, that encourage to consider the product as a whole, with both a content and a container, implies that we are able to work with our colleagues of the plastic industry [3].
All the kinds of operators that contribute to the conception of a safe and reliable product, upstream and downstream, from the design up to the sale, can join the project.
And we are increasing the number of our potential members in the Rhône-Alpes region through the enlargement of scientific competences that are required in order to make this “dream product”.
Premium Beauty News - Can you talk about yourself?
Dominique Bouvier - My professional background is simple. I am a pharmacist, I graduated from the University Lyon I in 1974, with a speciality in biology. I had a first professional experience in a hospital then in a medical laboratory.
In 1980, trained in industrial pharmacology, with a speciality in cosmetology, at the IPIL [4] with professor Marie Claude Martini and professor Jean Cotte, and I acquired the company Strand Cosmetics Europe in 1981. I have been heading Strand’s directory in June 2008.
Only projects and the pleasure to achieve them together with a devoted team motivate me. My values are those I developed in the practice of collective sport.
CED’s next events: - Cosmetology & Plastics engineering, “From constraints to solutions for the improvement of compatibility, functionality, and environmental impact”, Thursday 04 February 2010 in Lyon (France) – Research and Industry Forum, Tuesday 27 April 2010 in Lyon (France) |