The CNE is composed of eight boards including consumer goods companies, producers of packaging materials, packaging manufacturers, companies approved for the collection and recovery of waste packaging, distribution companies, consumer associations, associations for the protection of the environment and local authorities.
Premium Beauty News - Firstly, packaging seems to suffer from its poor image? Environmental issues obliterate the benefits of packaging in terms of product protection and preservation?
Michel Fontaine - That’s the whole problem, exactly. And that’s surely why the role of the National Council of Packaging makes sense. It’s from the start, its vocation. My predecessors have done a remarkable job delivering technical analysis and reports on various issues, particularly concerning prevention and reduction from the source. From that starting point, we must attract consumers again by compensating the negative image of packaging waste with the numerous qualities and advantages of packaging before and during consumption. The "sustainability" of packaging must also be explained like the ongoing efforts of the entire industry to continually improve them. Finally, this approach must be part of a European vision since issues and actors are mostly European.
Premium Beauty news - Precisely, what will be the actions undertaken this year?
Michel Fontaine - We must continue the elaboration and dissemination of ideas currently addressed in the working groups of the National Council of Packaging, pertaining to concepts of "acceptability", "rupture points" and "prevention indicators". Because these works are representative of the legitimacy of the CNE.
We must in addition develop a positive and "sustainable" communication policy. This means updating the website, developing and distributing a newsletter, making interventions in schools, universities, Chambers of Commerce and Industry ..., not to mention participating to professionals conferences.
Premium Beauty News - And next year?
Michel Fontaine - It seems obvious enough, but what is essential is to really be "European minded". Which means we must actively participate to the Regulatory work at both French and European levels and therefore bring our vision and expertise to authorities.
Premium Beauty News - Because there are still a number of misconceptions about packaging?
Michel Fontaine - It’s true that globally the business is suffering from its poor image upon general public. But are people aware that plastic in packaging only represents 1.5% of our oil consumption! Do people know that the victims of the earthquake in Haiti were largely saved by the massive supply of mineral water kept in plastic bottles?