Its President, Charles-Emmanuel Gounod, of Rexam, told the professional attendance details of the club’s current and very next goals. Then Gerald Martines, of RPC Beauté, presented the outcome of the work done within the “Environment” working group, while designer Thierry de Baschmakoff unveiled the outline of the association’s future website.

Premium Beauty asked to Mrs Vera Strubi, its Honouring president, about the ambitions of the BeautyFULL Club.
Premium Beauty News - The perfumes and cosmetics industry is facing a number of new challenges. At all levels: economic (globalization), regulatory (REACH), ethical (good sales practices, counterfeiting), environmental (sustainable development), protection and development of the know-how (training and education). Can the BeautyFULL Club help to address these issues?
Vera Strubi - None of the players in this industry, from the maker of fragrance compounds or cosmetics ingredients, to the retail side, high-end or mass, can address all these challenges alone.
For the very first time in the world, eighteen decision makers from the general management, the development, marketing or purchasing divisions, among the most important companies of the industry, have decided to create a common entity for working together and addressing these common challenges.
I have the feeling that, within a few months, the club already became a landmark for the whole industry.
Premium Beauty News - What are the main principles guiding the BeautyFULL Club’s work?
Vera Strubi - It’s about thinking and working for the sake of a common industrial sector, by gathering the entire industry at the world level, from the ingredients maker to the sale of the final product. It’s also about long-term and high-level thinking, without any commercial consideration. Then it’s about gathering and exchanging with all the industry players, on the occasion of existing or new professional events: conferences, evening debates, professional trips, tradeshows. Eventually, it’s about building and developing a positive and proactive vision of the perfumes and cosmetics industry through altruistic and shared principles.
Actually, the club is voluntarily keeping an eye to the future, helping individuals who chose to become members to debate, work and decide on technical, economic or environmental issues. The club is not just another place for networking, it’s a think tank, aiming at becoming influential. It’s also a place to work on real-life issues.
Premium Beauty News - Indeed, four working groups have been created?
Vera Strubi - Yes indeed, and the meeting we organised on September 4 was the occasion for Gerald Martines, the President of the “Environment” working group, to unveil the very first outcome of the work they’ve done there. It’s really a huge achievement. The three other working groups will soon become operational, one is about counterfeiting, the other is about regulations, and the last one is dealing with training.
Premium Beauty News - On a day-to-day basis, how will the club’s members coordinate themselves?
Vera Strubi - Mostly through the website on which Thierry de Baschmakoff has been working, and that should be online quite soon.
Actually, the club must be an opportunity to share knowledge, to anticipate trends and to improve quality, to be proactive, and always looking for innovation. The BeautyFULL Club is also committed to an educative role about our “industry”. It must contribute to keep the industry attractive and beloved by the youngest generations.