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Beauty partners - Innovations

Keep it Clean - Environmentally friendly face and body cleansing solutions

Keep it Clean - Environmentally friendly face and body cleansing solutions

Univar Solutions

As skin care continues its reign as the top beauty care priority for consumers, brands and formulators are faced with increasing...

IL Cosmetics: the company behind one of the best-selling mascaras in the world

IL Cosmetics: the company behind one of the best-selling mascaras in the world

IL Cosmetics

With a 15% rise, 2020 marked the 7th consecutive year of double-digit growth for the business unit make-up of IL Cosmetics. And, despite...

A multi-benefit ingredient to replace quats

A multi-benefit ingredient to replace quats


Environmentally friendly joins plant-powered as a macro trend for ingredients that also maintain or improve current performance in all...

How do Blue Biotechnologies become Blue Bioth-Ecology?

How do Blue Biotechnologies become Blue Bioth-Ecology?

CODIF Technologie Naturelle

In 2021, CODIF is celebrating 10 years of the discovery of revolutionary molecules: Marine ExoPolySaccharides (EPS). Ten years ago,...

WWP Beauty unveils new brand identity and new fragrance technology

WWP Beauty unveils new brand identity and new fragrance technology

WWP Beauty

WWP Beauty intends to disrupt the beauty industry as the company delivers constant innovation and a revolutionary new fragrance...

Expanscience gears up its CSR approach and launches organic virgin avocado oil

Expanscience gears up its CSR approach and launches organic virgin avocado oil

Expanscience Cosmetic Active Ingredients

On the beauty market, consumers are now gradually shifting to stakeholders, as they are more and more attentive to product quality: Where...

Emogreen, nature-made chemistry

Emogreen, nature-made chemistry


Last summer Seppic released a video about its Emogreen™ range. A tribute to our planet’s beauty, this short video, along with its...

From the beauty of lips to the beauty of nature: Aptar Reboul's lipstick

From the beauty of lips to the beauty of nature: Aptar Reboul’s lipstick

Aptar Reboul

Aptar Reboul, a recognised leader in the field of prestige lipsticks, is taking advantage of the current sanitary period to consolidate...

 Metsä Board develops packaging solutions for today and into the future

Metsä Board develops packaging solutions for today and into the future

Metsä Board

The Finnish manufacturer launches a state-of-the-art Excellence Centre to accelerate paperboard and packaging innovation. The company’s...

Metsä Board's sustainability actions honoured by EcoVadis

Metsä Board’s sustainability actions honoured by EcoVadis

Metsä Board

The Finland-based manufacturer of premium fresh fibre paperboards has been awarded a Platinum level rating by EcoVadis for its actions...

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latest news

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada is tightening its requirements for imported cosmetic products. Starting in March 2025, every new cosmetic notification must...

When it comes to tubes, ’less is more’ for Albéa

When it comes to tubes, 'less is more' for Albéa

Albéa Tubes EcoTop range offers disruptive, lightweight caps for high differentiation and reduced carbon footprint. In the...

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Every year in Paris, the Fragrance Innovation Summit brings together from the fine perfumery industry—composition houses, brands,...

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