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Sophie Normand

Fragrance expert

Sophie has been fascinated by perfume since childhood. In 2008, she created My Blue Hour, a blog dedicated to the world of fragrances that soon became a reference for perfume lovers in France. Subsequently, she lent her pen to the Olfathèque, the online encyclopaedia created by Cinquième Sens, where she followed the Raw Materials and Formulation course. There she discovered the perfumer’s palette in detail and practices the evaluation.

Today she is an editor for Fragrantica and Premium Beauty News, two web publications where she shares her passion for raw materials. She also writes for niche brands.

In parallel with this editorial activity, she runs olfactory workshops and trend tours dedicated to perfumery trends for both amateurs and professionals.


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GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

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In Bologna, Cosmoprof wraps up its 56th edition with a 4.5% rise in visitors

In Bologna, Cosmoprof wraps up its 56th edition with a 4.5% rise in visitors

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Canada is tightening its requirements for imported cosmetic products. Starting in March 2025, every new cosmetic notification must...

GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

Beauty application expert GEKA has introduced its Roctool Heat & Cool Technology, an induction molding method that produces precise,...

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Every year in Paris, the Fragrance Innovation Summit brings together from the fine perfumery industry—composition houses, brands,...

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