Premium Beauty News - How do you see the future of perfume and beauty sampling campaigns?

Bruno Pinheiro - With serenity! The study we conducted with Harris Interactive in 2022 shows that samples are the primary touchpoint influencing the purchase of a cosmetic product or perfume, ahead of consumer reviews and experts’ advice. This is particularly true in France, where women first place their trust in their own expertise and rely on their own opinion.

Of course, the picture is changing, and the number of samples distributed in physical points of sale is declining. This trend began before unsolicited distribution was banned in France because this type of sample distribution was considered insufficiently targeted. However, this had no impact on the volume of samples produced, which continued to rise worldwide. In practice, e-sampling is partly making up for the fall in retail volumes thanks to a more targeted approach. It should be noted that there is still room for press sampling.

Olivia Delagarde - We create comprehensive, targeted campaigns for brands that want to use sampling as an efficient marketing lever. We manage the entire process, from the design of the landing pages to the sample distribution logistics. This applies both in France and internationally. We can also measure the impact of campaigns (recall, opinions, impact...) via a partnership with Harris Interactive.

We take part in launches, but also in recurrent seasonal promotions (Mother’s Day, Christmas...) to create qualified traffic during these periods. Brands are aware that sales need to be prepared even before consumers enter the point of sale!

Premium Beauty News - How do brands combine digital and physical campaigns?

Bruno Pinheiro - Today, digital is perfectly integrated into brands’ marketing activation strategies. Retail and e-retail teams are closer to one another and offers can now apply to both bricks and mortar shops and e-commerce.

In practice, in the perfume and beauty sector, buying in-store is still the rule. Even though younger age groups buy more online, e-commerce sales are still hampered by the difficulty of creating sensory experiences. In all cases, samples remain the prime means of testing and purchasing.

Olivia Delagarde - Digital tools hold no secrets for leading brands. The trouble is that their codes, which are sometimes very specific, don’t allow them to adapt to all formats! For example, it’s not always easy for a luxury brand to radically change its identity to gain a foothold on TikTok, where users brows very quickly and messages are very straightforward!

Meta’s social networks (Facebook and Instagram) are the main volume drivers in terms of sampling. In addition to traditional posts, brands can also call on female influencers who will know how to communicate with their community.

We’ve also been asked to set up virtual shops, for immersive experiences offering access to product testing thanks to Digital Sampling. Brands are very interested in these virtual shops!

Premium Beauty News - Impact measurement is one of the great strengths of digital campaigns. How do you operate?

Bruno Pinheiro - When our clients request it, we set up an online survey with our partner Harris Interactive. We then measure several items (recall, sample use, appreciation, purchase, etc.). We record participation rates of between 5% and 10%, for average campaigns of around 30,000 contacts, which offers real statistical validity. Harris Interactive analyses the answers and we share the various KPIs with the brands.