Premium Beauty News - Why choose this type of solution?
Céline Verleure - I had already thought about crowdfunding five years ago, when I created the brand, but there was no funding platform dedicated to this kind of operations then. However, we had actually got consumers involved by launching a Facebook group named Blog du parfum qui n’existe pas (encore) – A blog for a perfume that does not exist (yet) – which invited people to interact with the artistic direction by giving their opinions and ideas, or just reacting. This collaborative project helped design and develop the first fragrances. It is interesting to make people participate, because it creates a relationship and, from a financial standpoint, it can help reach new levels.
Premium Beauty News - So, today, crowdfunding can actually help you create a new bottle?
Céline Verleure - It can! Until now, the Olfactive Studio bottles were standard. This operation will help us finance the mould of our new exclusive bottle. It represents a huge investment and a real financial constraint, since we are in a transitional year and we have been suffering from the slowdown of certain markets like Russia. The sum was fixed at 25,000 dollars, which makes 22,000 euros over an extendable period of one month. In compensation, and depending on the donations, people get perfumes of the line, samples, candles, and other prizes. It is also a way to discover our fragrances. This bottle will be used for our next perfume named Close Up, a wild amber scent to be released in September, and which donators will be able to discover as a preview.

Premium Beauty News - You have chosen the Indiegogo site: why an American platform?
Céline Verleure - It is the biggest international platform to accept foreign companies, and the objective is flexible. Americans are also more used to this approach and really attracted to niche brands. But the operation is open to everyone and relayed via social networks, Facebook, and bloggers from different countries.
Right now, the project has gathered 66 donators and reached 22% of the objective. The progression towards the goal is updated in real time here.