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World class news for the beauty and cosmetics industries


Revival time at Garraud Paris

Revival time at Garraud Paris

Industry buzz

Recently acquired by a new management team, René Garraud Paris is revamping its entire business. The components of the brand’s renewal?...

Ancorotti: A plant entirely devoted to mascara and full-service productions

Ancorotti: A plant entirely devoted to mascara and full-service productions

Industry buzz

Chicca Ancorotti, the daughter of Renato Ancorotti, the founder of Gamma Croma SRL, has just opened a new manufacturing facility named...

Nanoparticles can seep through skin, new study reveals

Nanoparticles can seep through skin, new study reveals

Science, R&D

Scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center found that nanoparticles that can breech the skin barrier, especially when...

680 degrees, a new design concept

680 degrees, a new design concept

Packaging & design

Paris-based agency, Aesthete, is proposing a brand new concept in the world of design. Capitalizing on more than twenty years of...

New VP Sales & Marketing at Alcan Packaging Beauty

New VP Sales & Marketing at Alcan Packaging Beauty

Industry buzz

Stéphane Tondenier was appointed Vice-President Sales & Marketing for the Fragrance & Cosmetics Worldwide activity as from...

L'Oréal closes Monaco factory to relocate in France

L’Oréal closes Monaco factory to relocate in France

Industry buzz

The L’Oréal group has announced its will to relocate its manufacturing and research activities located in Monaco. The Sofamo factory in...

The crazy market of mascaras

The crazy market of mascaras

Innovation & new products

The very last months were rich in twists and turns on the mascara’s global market. And, when looking closer at it, one’s has the feeling...

New event and new location for Beyond Beauty Paris in 2009

New event and new location for Beyond Beauty Paris in 2009

Industry buzz

A few days before the opening of the 2008 edition, the organisers of Beyond Beauty Paris announce that the tradeshow will move to the...

RPC reconfigures and strengthens its Beauty activities

RPC reconfigures and strengthens its Beauty activities

Packaging & design

RPC will transfer the activity of its Italian unit to its French manufacturing site, in a move to consolidate its Beauty business....

New VP Sales at Dieter Bakic Enterprises

New VP Sales at Dieter Bakic Enterprises

Industry buzz

Mr. Markus Gralka has been appointed Vice President Sales of Dieter Bakic Enterprises, the company announced. Mr. Gralka has a long...

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latest news

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada is tightening its requirements for imported cosmetic products. Starting in March 2025, every new cosmetic notification must...

GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

Beauty application expert GEKA has introduced its Roctool Heat & Cool Technology, an induction molding method that produces precise,...

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Every year in Paris, the Fragrance Innovation Summit brings together from the fine perfumery industry—composition houses, brands,...

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