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World class news for the beauty and cosmetics industries


Lumson launches TAG Electa, the airless revolution in a square format

Lumson launches TAG Electa, the airless revolution in a square format

In its 50th anniversary year, Lumson, the Italian leader in premium airless packaging with pouch technology, introduces TAG Electa, the...

XPaper: The eco-conscious and eco-friendly airless paper packaging

XPaper: The eco-conscious and eco-friendly airless paper packaging

Thanks to the collaboration between Lumson, a leading in primary cosmetic packaging manufacturer, and Pusterla 1880, a company...

Lumson addresses the shift of the lips segment from make-up to make-care

Lumson addresses the shift of the lips segment from make-up to make-care

The lip sector, on a global level, is worth 10 billion euros. If in the last two years, demand has mainly been focused on skincare due to...

Envers Glas, the last frontier of airless systems in a jar

Envers Glas, the last frontier of airless systems in a jar

After the success obtained with Envers, which gave a new twist to the “classic” concept of a jar, Lumson introduces a new chapter in the...

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Lumson is a leading company in Europe in development, production, decoration of primary packaging for the cosmetic market.

Lumson is committed to become a leading player in the international cosmetic packaging market, through an unceasing commitment to innovation and functionality.

Lumson is a trustworthy and flexible partner able to support its Clients in the choice of a wide range of cosmetic packaging solutions, to create highly recognizable products in a cost effective way.

Lumson is also active in a larger cooperation of notable, locally-based companies of the same industry in an endeavor to support and collaborate together for global success. Lumson is proud to be a member of Polo Tecnologico Della Cosmesi, a Non-profit Association founded in 2005, which aims to represent and become the reference point for all the Italian companies active in the cosmetic industry: from direct producers of cosmetics and related products, to designers and producers of both primary and secondary packaging, to plant and machinery manufacturers and contract fillers, to service companies having a focus on the cosmetic industry.


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When it comes to tubes, 'less is more' for Albéa

When it comes to tubes, ’less is more’ for Albéa

Bondi: Revolutionizing dispensing with precision and fluidity

Bondi: Revolutionizing dispensing with precision and fluidity


Makeover and partnerships: Luxe Pack Monaco gets a new look in 2025

Makeover and partnerships: Luxe Pack Monaco gets a new look in 2025

The year 2025 marks a new dimension for the annual trade show for creative and luxury packaging. The expansion of the...

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada is tightening its requirements for imported cosmetic products. Starting in March 2025, every new cosmetic notification must...

When it comes to tubes, ’less is more’ for Albéa

When it comes to tubes, 'less is more' for Albéa

Albéa Tubes EcoTop range offers disruptive, lightweight caps for high differentiation and reduced carbon footprint. In the...

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Every year in Paris, the Fragrance Innovation Summit brings together from the fine perfumery industry—composition houses, brands,...

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