Premium Beauty News - After last year’s euphoria, demand appears to be weakening. What is your view on this?
Joël Palix - We aren’t noticing any weakening in perfumes, consumption is on the rise for all mature, emerging and travel retail markets. Perfume remains a pleasure and gift product.
Premium Beauty News - The industry recently became aware of the over abundance of perfume launches, what is the situation?
Joël Palix - Distributors are being more selective in the choice of novelties and manufacturers have begun to better plan the number of market launches. On this first half of 2011 there are fewer major launches but brands continue to bring their classics to life with line extensions, flankers or new presentations.
Premium Beauty News - What were the highlights in recent months for Clarins in terms of product launches?
Joël Palix - Clarins launched a major innovation, Vital Light Day. For Clarins Fragrance Group (CFG), we launched Womanity last fall, and the new Swarovski brand with a fragrance and a line of make-up jewels called Aura. The first results concerning these launches are positive.
Premium Beauty News - How are you dealing with the green wave which has a tendency to submerge the whole beauty ?
Joël Palix - The Clarins Group is particularly sensitive to this issue because of our historical connection to plant-derived treatments. Christian Courtin, our CEO and son of the founder of the Group is a strong supporter of sustainable development and keeps us very much mobilized. Clarins sponsors the Solar Impulse aircraft and conducts many sustainable development initiatives with its ranges. Kibio, a new brand of the Group is involved in high quality cosmetics.
Clarins Fragrance Group has innovated for its last two launches (Aura and Womanity) by choosing to create a fully rechargeable range and by setting up a eco-design process that makes the sorting and recycling of components easier. Our historic commitment to environment based on the Mugler Source, thus finds its natural extension.
Premium Beauty News - The make-up sector actually appears to be the one driving the cosmetic market. What does it represent for your group and how do you see the future of these products?
Joël Palix - So far, make-up is actually the segment that is growing the most rapidly in the selective market. It is the one being the closest to fashion, trends, immediate pleasure. Clarins has a highly developed range in this segment. For Clarins Fragrance Group, we are experimenting with Mugler and Swarovski shorter ranges. Barriers to entry are considerable and we are very careful with our development but opportunities do exist particularly in Asia and in the Middle East.