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Ingredients & formulation

in-cosmetics Global skips over Barcelona edition and heads to Paris in 2022

in-cosmetics Global skips over Barcelona edition and heads to Paris in 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced RX (Reed Exhibitions) to push back the in-cosmetics trade shows again. As a result, in-cosmetics Global...

Solvay introduces a comprehensive restorative routine for textured hair

Solvay introduces a comprehensive restorative routine for textured hair

With a complete textured hair routine designed to clean, care and style curly hair, the supplier of speciality chemicals joins the trend...

Eden Ecosystem presents new plant extraction model

Eden Ecosystem presents new plant extraction model

By combining several key commitments, an innovative technology, an integrated farming dimension, waste management, traceability, and...

Mibelle debuts new moss based ingredient to harmonize the skin's moisture flow

Mibelle debuts new moss based ingredient to harmonize the skin’s moisture flow

Based on the technology developed by Mibelle Biochemistry for the sustainable large-scale production of moss cells, MossCellTec...

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Switch to natural hair care products with Beauté by Roquette

Switch to natural hair care products with Beauté by Roquette

Hair is an individual thing and is a huge part of identity; there is no one hair product that works for all hair types. But the COVID-19...

Solvay introduces Rheozan BLC, a biodegradable suspension agent

Solvay introduces Rheozan BLC, a biodegradable suspension agent

Solvay introduces a new biodegradable rheology agent, Rheozan BLC, a natural and ready-to-use liquid polymer solution that delivers high...

“in-cosmetics Global 2021 will be a hybrid event,” says Roziani Zulkifli

“in-cosmetics Global 2021 will be a hybrid event,” says Roziani Zulkifli

After having cancelled the 2020 edition, the organizers of the trade show, that gathers suppliers of ingredients, fragrances, lab...

Firmenich explores new territories with a sustainable technology

Firmenich explores new territories with a sustainable technology

To capture the benefits or the scents of plants never previously used in cosmetics or in perfumes, Firmenich has developed and patented a...

IFF expands olfactory know-how with Science of Wellness programme

IFF expands olfactory know-how with Science of Wellness programme

In the wake of the pandemic crisis, wellness increasingly appears as a new, but essential part of beauty. Consumers want their products...

Circalys, a chrono-detox active ingredient inspired by Ayurveda

Circalys, a chrono-detox active ingredient inspired by Ayurveda

To reduce the negative effects of fatigue on the skin and mood, Greentech launches Circalys, a natural active ingredient inspired by...

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latest news

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Created in 2009 in Milan (Italy), Esxence, The Art of Perfumery, is the one of the main global fragrance fairs for Niche perfumery. This...

Tubing mascaras: “The eye makeup trend brands must meet,” says IL Cosmetics

Tubing mascaras: “The eye makeup trend brands must meet,” says IL Cosmetics

In the ever-evolving world of beauty, IL Cosmetics listens and monitors to emerging and underlying trends. As it will present its latest...

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

The 2024 edition of in-cosmetics Global, which will be held in Paris from April 16 to 18, 2024, will once again be an opportunity for...

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