IFRA, the International Fragrance Association, has officially notified the 47th Amendment to its Code of Practice. This further change in the fragrance industry’s self-regulation is part of the sector’s on-going safety program, which consists in the assessment of fragrance materials based on studying their potential effects on people and the environment thus leading to the establishment of ‘Safe Use Levels’, or in certain cases, to prohibition of use.
Updated rules
The 47th Amendment features:
– six new standards based on the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) methodology,
– four revised standards,
– a new standard restricting the use of Furfural,
– a new Group Standard prohibiting the use of 2,4-Dienals,
– and 11 revised standards taking into account the contributions of Schiff Bases.
Finally, one Standard has a corrected maximum use level.

One of the six new Standards based on the QRA methodology is the result of new data becoming available supporting the safe use of Dihyrocoumarin. The result is that this previously prohibited material will now become a restricted material.
The QRA approach aims at evaluating sensitizing materials that may trigger allergen reactions. According to IFRA, this method provides more precise guidance on use levels of materials depending on the situation and the product in which they are used.
Code of Practice
IFRA Code of Practice, which applies to the manufacture and handling of all fragrance materials, for all types of applications, is now made up of:
– 102 IFRA Standards restricting the use of ingredients,
– 80 IFRA Standards prohibiting the use of ingredients,
– 20 IFRA Standards setting a purity requirement.
Compliance with the Standards of the IFRA Code of Practice is mandatory for all companies belonging to IFRA directly or IFRA member associations.