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Glendean Rehvan - In-Trend

How are cosmetics translating the latest aesthetic medicine trends?

How are cosmetics translating the latest aesthetic medicine trends?

In recent years, a new type of cosmetic product has been making waves and changing the game entirely – ‘tweakment’-inspired cosmetics....

Hair: The in-salon experience takes a new direction

Hair: The in-salon experience takes a new direction

Speaking to stylists, colourists and hairdressers around the world, the consensus is very clear – the classic salon model is about to...

The Purity Beauty Movement

The Purity Beauty Movement

Cleanliness is everything - sterilisation, sanitation, germ-free, antibacterial and disinfection is at the forefront of everyone’s minds....

latest news

Glendean Rehvan - In-Trend

In-Trend. Director of skincare, body care and fragrance.

Glendean Rehvan has been working with In-Trend as a Skincare director since 2016. With a strong background in research for over 20 years, it’s about understanding what’s happening now, what’s next and how brands can use this information to future proof their brand. She has particular expertise in identifying and analysing the new niche and global trends in skincare and nutricosmetics and putting them into context. Passionate about beauty and in particular excited by the accelerating trend of ‘Beauty From Within’ she has a strong awareness of ‘food being the new beauty’ and is closely following and identifying emerging trends in these areas.

About the agency

In Trend Ltd is a research intelligence agency founded by Emmanuelle Bassmann in 2006 that creates the future of Beauty. We are global innovation experts in skincare, makeup, hair & professional beauty including aesthetic medicine. Our loyal client base includes L’Oréal, LVMH, Coty, Unilever, Henkel, Chanel and PUIG. We have also started the revolution of Beauty from Within.


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When it comes to tubes, 'less is more' for Albéa

When it comes to tubes, ’less is more’ for Albéa

Bondi: Revolutionizing dispensing with precision and fluidity

Bondi: Revolutionizing dispensing with precision and fluidity


Makeover and partnerships: Luxe Pack Monaco gets a new look in 2025

Makeover and partnerships: Luxe Pack Monaco gets a new look in 2025

The year 2025 marks a new dimension for the annual trade show for creative and luxury packaging. The expansion of the...

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada is tightening its requirements for imported cosmetic products. Starting in March 2025, every new cosmetic notification must...

When it comes to tubes, ’less is more’ for Albéa

When it comes to tubes, 'less is more' for Albéa

Albéa Tubes EcoTop range offers disruptive, lightweight caps for high differentiation and reduced carbon footprint. In the...

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Every year in Paris, the Fragrance Innovation Summit brings together from the fine perfumery industry—composition houses, brands,...

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