This time it’s a deal! The presence of the group of French origin on the other side of the Atlantic is a reality since several days. An essential step for the firm whose head manager, Bernard Fraisse, had always been clear about, concerning its strategic importance. "We just had to choose the right opportunity to increase our influence on this continent, he explains, in both the pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields. And this production unit has everything it takes to achieve this thanks to its talented teams and its excellent industrial tool."
The Richmond plant will continue to undertake manufacturing and conditioning operations for Pfizer. This take over for Fareva, is part of a true acceleration in the company’s international development which now operates in ten countries "and should, in two years time be setting foot in Asia", reveals Bernard Fraisse!
The Brazilian project
For now, the other major project is located in Brazil where the company started in July 2010 the construction of a factory whose buildings extend over more than two hectares for the filling and packaging of eaux de toilette and aerosols. An investment divided into three tranches which will amount in the end to 42 million euros and will employ between 700 and 800 people. "The group Avon is an important partner in this operation, emphasises Bernard Fraisse, since we will be able to guarantee him the conditioning of more than 150 million units per year." To note that the Tubex group is also an important stakeholder with the supply of aerosols and tubes. "Certainly a perfect platform too, explains Fareva’s CEO, to seize future growth opportunities in the make-up sector of this continent."
A 2011 year also marked for the group with several other industrial investments with for example the commissioning of a second site in Turkey (foaming products and creams), not to mention Russia (foaming products and eaux de toilette) and the start of a second conditioning line for aerosols in Wales.