Experts’ views
The "Sustainable Natives", how will this generation impact the beauty industry?
Pascale Brousse
We have all heard about ’Digital Natives’. We most now brace ourselves to face massively ’Sustainable Natives’ or the ’Climate...
“Do you know a blush that stays on all-day?”
Marine Chevalier
Beauty addicts’ dissatisfactions and expectations in terms of makeup: this is the subject of the survey carried out by the French mobile...
Cosmetics & personal care industry salary survey: 2018/19
Heidi Bannister
While demand for skilled, experienced staff continued, we saw reluctance from European candidates to commit to roles requiring relocation...
Marie-Alice Dibon (1966 - 2019)
Marie-Alice Dibon
It is with great sadness and bewilderment that we learned of the tragic disappearance of Marie-Alice Dibon at the end of April. Like many...
American insights: The new beauty millionaires
Laurence Bacilieri
Yes, the beauty and skincare market in the US is saturated. However, some extremely savvy women had the feeling they could move things,...
Cannabis: The New Beauty Disruptor
Cannabis is the latest ingredient disrupting every consumer industry and beauty and personal care is no exception. As regulation on the...
Emotional Glyco-intelligence: deciphering sugars through unexplored dimensions
Aïna Queiroz
It is pretty hard to escape from the first clear signs: the cosmetics industry is definitely, officially entering the emotional era! And...
‘Do Good, Feel Good’ and the beauty industry
Laurence Bacilieri
"Do good, feel good" is a mechanism well known by psychologists. The more good deeds one does, the better one feels. This phenomenon has...
Reducing environmental footprint of Beauty packaging: The Challenges (2/2)
Gerald Martines
Beauty actors are engaged in a wide array of initiatives aiming at reducing the environmental impact of packaging, but the route of packs...
Reducing environmental footprint of Beauty packaging: The stakes (1/2)
Gerald Martines
Sustainable development has become a central concern of our industry, which cannot any longer ignore issues such as climate change,...