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World class news for the beauty and cosmetics industries


Responsible sourcing: Expanscience's proactive approach

Responsible sourcing: Expanscience’s proactive approach

On the occasion of the breakfast-debate organized by the Beautyfull Club, Karen Lemasson, CSR manager at Expanscience (233 million euros...

“Sustainability starts with the sourcing of our ingredients,” Bas Schneiders , Weleda

“Sustainability starts with the sourcing of our ingredients,” Bas Schneiders , Weleda

Bas Schneiders, Head Corporate Sustainability and International Strategic Sourcing at Weleda, was in Paris last most on the occasion of...

Sincoplas: reduce CO2 emissions to reduce costs

Sincoplas: reduce CO2 emissions to reduce costs

Sincoplas, a French supplier of plastic parts for the beauty industry, has just completed its carbon footprint focused on cost reduction....

Ethical sourcing and biodiversity: rising values within the cosmetics industry

Ethical sourcing and biodiversity: rising values within the cosmetics industry

An interview with Rik Kutsch Lojenga, Executive Director of the Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT), which is organising on the 12th of...

Sustainable development, a strategic focus for the entire beauty industry

Sustainable development, a strategic focus for the entire beauty industry

Last Thursday, January 19th, the BeautyFull Club presented to some sixty members and guests, the results of a study conducted from...

"Environmental concerns are transforming hotel cosmetics," Marie-Cécile Pineau, GM Group

"Environmental concerns are transforming hotel cosmetics," Marie-Cécile Pineau, GM Group

With the launch of its new bath line, the Damana Organic Bath Line, the GM Group, a French specialist in hotel guest supplies, is...

Industry invited to join the fight against biodiversity loss

Industry invited to join the fight against biodiversity loss

The Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT) and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have signed a new Memorandum of...

Carbon footprint: Swedish cardboard maker Iggesund prides itself on exemplarity

Carbon footprint: Swedish cardboard maker Iggesund prides itself on exemplarity

Environmental pressure is constantly increasing at every level of the packaging industry. Major user brands seek increasingly more...

Shiseido wants to become greener

Shiseido wants to become greener

The Tokyo-headquartered cosmetics giant announced the acceleration of its environmental initiatives. New CO2 targets have been set for...

Green Academy: the future of hairdressing salons by L'Oréal

Green Academy: the future of hairdressing salons by L’Oréal

L’Oréal’s new Green Academy combines state of the art technologies and ecology. The group’s purpose is to educate hairdressers about...

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latest news

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada: The canadian agent becomes essential for cosmetic market access

Canada is tightening its requirements for imported cosmetic products. Starting in March 2025, every new cosmetic notification must...

GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

GEKA Roctool technology lifts the aesthetics and quality of beauty packaging

Beauty application expert GEKA has introduced its Roctool Heat & Cool Technology, an induction molding method that produces precise,...

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Fragrance Innovation - January 2025

Every year in Paris, the Fragrance Innovation Summit brings together from the fine perfumery industry—composition houses, brands,...

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