“We have learned that 90 percent of consumers find that sampler usage is essential to fragrance purchase, and 92 percent really use the samplers they receive,” said Vinciane Devillers, Junior Product Manager Mini-Products at Rexam Personal Care Division, the world’s leading supplier of spray samplers
With the aim to increase the awareness of mass, masstige and prestige fragrance brands about the importance to build powerful mini-product programs that excites consumers, Rexam’s Personal care division has supplied its customers with a promotional kit named Vacation Sensation. It focuses upon three iconic10ml fragrance solutions:
– Sofilux pen, with metal cap and translucent SP5K pump,
– Sofilux pen, with plastic cap and translucent SP5K pump, a bit more economical,
– Sof’n’Touch pen.
All of them are customizable in a wide variety of color combinations.

To note also at Rexam, the appointment of Emmanuelle Hermandesse as Category Manager Mini-Products, within the Rexam Personal Care product management team.
Hermandesse is a graduate of ESG, business school of Paris, with a degree in international trade. She has more than 12 years of experience in marketing, sales and product development in global companies. She also lived and worked in China for five years before joining Rexam.

“Today’s mini-products are the ambassadors to the brand, and facilitate access to the retail product experience,” said Nathalie Nowak Global Marketing and Innovation Director of the division. “Emmanuelle’s expertise in global commerce, production and sourcing will help us reach new heights in mini-product solutions.”