Premium Beauty News - What does your offer consist of today?

Jean-Baptiste Puyou - We help our customers innovate by integrating sustainable development in their product and service offer with:
– Know-how: eco-design, eco-design and creativity, training, monitoring of R&D projects...
– Methodologies: LCA, carbon footprint, products environmental labelling...
– LCA and eco-design-dedicated softwares such as SimaPro, e-DEA and WINTED.
Premium Beauty News - Communication is an essential parameter!
Jean-Baptiste Puyou - First of all and it is an obvious fact, credible and responsible communication can only truly concern products carrying with them values and environmental performance. We can then work on the formatting: eco-design the communication media, check the claims and the visuals using a systematic method like "Preuv’" that we have developed.
The environmental issue reminds us of the basic rules: the coherence between substance and form secures the communication, and it requires teamwork. Design, Purchasing, Marketing, Sales force, etc., must integrate and anticipate market expectations and let customers be aware of the approaches and achievements.
Premium Beauty News - Can you give us some examples of this approach in the perfumery and cosmetic segment?
Jean-Baptiste Puyou - Yes, I can give you several. Thus, we have helped L’Occitane conduct the Life Cycle Analysis of washing bases. This study has helped put forward eco-design recommendations and the creation of a dedicated position. This approach was supported by Ademe [1].

Another example, Kenzo. Now, the perfume Flower by Kenzo is re-fillable: once emptied it can be refilled at a fountain in an outlet or withthe purchase of a refill. This approach was subject to a communication that we tested before its launch with our "Preuv’" methodology...
Finally there is Albéa, who is using e-DEA, our eco-design tool and with whom we have specific developments underway.