Premium Beauty News - What differentiates your services from those of a traditional press agency?
Gabriele Fuchs - A PR agency - or an in-house team - takes care of the PR strategy, the budget, the press releases and press conferences and has to be in personal touch with a selected number of media and editors. So a lot of personal involvement and creativity is required to do this. While we as a digital service take over the below the line activities as archiving the press releases and the images of standard and new products and wiring out newsletters to get the attention of the press. With our very widespread editor contacts and the possibility to measure for each brand their individual media list we maximize the outreach. Being digital all product information and images are available at any time for an instant download and publication. This availability is our great advantage. Furthermore, our database is fully searchable through multiple ways. Our goal to support the PR teams to get more publications.
Premium Beauty News - You opened your French service in 2011. How did it evolve?
Gabriele Fuchs - We started mainly with brands that knew our services already from the German or US market, like Procter & Gamble, Lavera or Santé Naturkosmetik, but in the meantime more and more French brands followed.
Premium Beauty News - How many brands are working with you now?
Gabriele Fuchs - We are working with more than 150 brands in France and we developed very strongly in the past three years. What helped us to grow is a second service that we offer: our multi-brand events, where we offer brands a face-to-face time with beauty editors. With reaching the break even point last year the French team can be very proud of their achievement.
Premium Beauty News - What is the typical portray of a brand using your services?
Gabriele Fuchs - Actually, there is not a typical brand. Among our clients are global players, niche brands, natural cosmetics, luxury and mass market brands. That was our intention right from the start. Editors look into all different kinds of brands and we want to offer a complete overview of the market, not just a "glimpse" of it.
Premium Beauty News - And in the US?
Gabriele Fuchs - This is a much more difficult market due to the distance that we have and the sheer size of it. But after 5 years we are a recognized service. Growing each year at a 30% rate is a success after the disastrous economic depression of 2009 and the 2 following years.
Premium Beauty News - What will be your next developments?
Gabriele Fuchs - We are looking into new markets to launch the concept as we see how much interest we get from international brands offering our services now in eight countries. Clients support us to move forward and to support them on more markets. This is based on their experience how efficient and cost saving our service is.