Managing the re-opening of the British economy meant phasing out the ease of the lockdown into three steps. The first phase has seen non-essential workers going back to work (construction industry for instance). In the second phase primary schools re-opened and non-essential retailers were allowed to trade from the 15th of June. And in the third phase, starting Saturday 4th July, the Prime Minister announced that pubs, restaurants and hairdressers were be able to reopen. However, beauty salons were still prohibited to welcome back customers.

After an agonising wait for salon owners, the British government eventually allowed nail bars, spas and beauticians to go back into business as of July 13th, but some treatments will NOT be permitted such as:

 Face waxing, sugaring or threading services;
 Facial treatments;
 Advanced facial technical (electrical or mechanical);
 Eyelash treatments;
 Make-up application;
 Electrolysis on the face;
 Eyebrow treatments. [1]

Millie Kendall MBE, CEO of the British Beauty Council

The UK government emphasises that treatments or services provided in the ‘high risk zone’ directly in front of the client’s face are the most risky in terms of catching or spreading the virus.

The British Beauty Council has been campaigning for the re-opening and has released a series of content to help the beauty industry during the lockdown, including the CTPA guidance’s for in-store testers and cosmetic counters, a webinar explaining the latest guidelines for salon owners, but also a Template letter to send to local MP for the Reopening of the Beauty, Spa and Wellness Industry.

The decision to broaden the scope of available hair and beauty services will allow many more beauty professionals to get back to work and will also allow customers to benefit from a range of beauty treatments which can be carried out safely for both client and practitioner. It’s a positive step, but we are still only part of the way there. We will keep working closely with governing bodies and supporting everyone in beauty until we are able to achieve the fully-reinvigorated beauty industry we all want,” says, Millie Kendall MBE, CEO of the British Beauty Council.

The beauty industry brings a £28.4 to the British GDP, and 590 500 jobs which equates to ONE in every 60 jobs in the UK economy [2] and the British Beauty Council hope that the contribution of beauty to the overall re-dynamisation of the economy will be very positive.