"We got involved in the make-up segment ten years ago", explains Philippe Ughetto, Senior Vice President International, "but it currently only accounts for 20% of our business."
Arcade’s brand new commitment is reflected by a significant commercial involvement focusing on the Stand-Alone Beautiseal, a sample that can be distributed easily and that looks like a small printed card that just needs to be opened to reveal the cream or the foundation that one wishes to apply on his face.
Quite a promotional effort was undertaken too with ClearAdvantage, which allows to offer the consumer a make-up powder directly on an insert from inside a magazine. "The technical performance in this case," emphasises Philippe Ughetto "is that the powder is trapped in a transparent label featuring the desired shape (that of a case for example) glued on a printed medium." No burrs and a perfect respect in the shade of the powder.
Arcade’s third flagship product in the make-up sector: the Beautipod. It consists in a clever little sample glued to a paper medium whose dose is made available by tearing the trim line positioned on the insert, a gesture which allows to tear open at the same time the upper side of the sachet through which the product is released. A system that allows a presentation under multiple forms, the last one being the one marketed by the brand Benefit consisting in three available samples aligned on a leaflet, inserted into a small advertising and explanatory booklet.

Industrially speaking, to note the opening by the group, in April of a fully owned subsidiary, ArcadeLatam, in Sao Paulo.