Premium Beauty News - Your company is almost a start up!
Xavier Costet - That’s right, TrackInside was created in 2007 to meet market needs by developing and marketing the new Naginels® technology from the 5th and 7th Framework Programs of the European Union. Hence, our technology benefits of more than 5 years of research.
The founders of TrackInside are a number of partners who truly allow us to take advantage of a solid technical and commercial foundation. In addition to its in-house team, Trackinside can rely on its favored partners and their specialized technical staff such as, Lasea: 11 people, KST: 45 people, Amplitude: 50. This enables us to ensure the development and installation of our systems as well as a worldwide support.
Costet, Solos and TBS, leaders in their respective markets (perfumery, cosmetics, luxury products, pharmaceutical industry), provide our company with the necessary resources to meet the requirements of professionals in terms of traceability, authentication and anti-counterfeiting.

Premium Beauty News - What is this technology all about?
Xavier Costet - Our technology uses a femto-second laser, which makes it possible to carry out the marking of diffractive codes inside transparent material without causing any damage to the substrate unlike other technologies.
The other major advantages of the marking are :no microcracks, no additives, a marking inside the material with a diffractive effect and a very high resolution which allows the miniaturization of 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm data matrix codes.
The laser marking technology itself, offers many advantages: no consumables, low energy consumption and optimum reading of the codes.
Premium Beauty News - You are obviously interested in the beauty industry!
Xavier Costet - This technology fully meets the requirements of the perfumery and cosmetics industry in terms of traceability, authentication and anti-counterfeiting. Each vial may be marked with an unalterable mark inside the material, guaranteeing the visual authenticity of the product (control by the buyer). We can also add to the marked information a coded and hidden element to ensure the consolidation of data and of the anti-counterfeiting aspect (control by the authorities). You can compare this internal engraving to a watermark in the glass that we call Filiglass®.
With our partners, we can also manage the integration of our technology on the production line. We can also perform evaluations and small batches with the equipment available in our laboratories.