A strong reputation

It is undoubtedly a different spirit which has been driving the Hermann Koch company these past few months. Who doesn’t know Hermann Koch? In almost one hundred years of existence, the German SME has earned itself a solid reputation for reliability and quality in the world of cosmetic packaging, with 22 million euros in turnover, and 195 staff.
As regular as clockwork, the firm based in Coburg produces about 365 million plastic jars per year to supply most of the major brands of cosmetic products in Europe and worldwide. “Not only jars”, insists Florence Cox, Sales Director. “We also have a solid reputation in the manufacture of plastic bottles, sticks and roll-on”.
A new leitmotiv: innovation!
“Lines of premium quality products, of course”, explains Christian Lutzenrath, General Director, “but it is clear that the world surrounding us is always expecting more innovation.”
Upon his arrival late 2008 to head the company, the tone is set: “We have to get moving and innovating!” And it doesn’t take long! New designs, new shapes, new decorations: marketing and development departments are packed with new ideas. “Especially since the existing production tool, where we have three bi-injection machines and where we fully master the technique of in-mold labeling, allows us to design very beautiful things”, underlines Christian Lutzenrath.

As a result, the German company displayed at Cosmoprof Bologna not only a brand new look but also new lines of jars and bottles, including a line designed with bioplastic.