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Markets & trends

Euromonitor reveals top 10 global consumer trends in 2023

Euromonitor reveals top 10 global consumer trends in 2023

Cost of living and the environmental crisis are transforming consumer trends and behaviours, found Euromonitor International in its...

Clean beauty: A nebulous concept in search of a definition

Clean beauty: A nebulous concept in search of a definition

Clean beauty rules and, actually, dominates absolutely all trends in the beauty industry, from the United States to Europe and Asia, even...

Asia, the new promised land of alternative perfumery?

Asia, the new promised land of alternative perfumery?

Asia’s interest in perfumes is growing as consumers’ tastes are gaining sophistication. This is a boon for confidential niche brands,...

How TikTok disrupts traditional perfume codes

How TikTok disrupts traditional perfume codes

Unlike what people might have thought intuitively, the video-centred social network has become one of the favourite playgrounds of young...

Wrinkles, imperfections, firmness: Skincare leads the way in beauty trends

Wrinkles, imperfections, firmness: Skincare leads the way in beauty trends

Largely shunned during the pandemic, makeup returned to the spotlight in 2022 with the help of social networks but did not return to its...

The age of connection: 5 predictions for 2023 and beyond

The age of connection: 5 predictions for 2023 and beyond

In their latest white paper, Cosmetics Inspiration & Creation unveils 5 key trends that will shape the beauty industry in 2023 and...

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PSYCARE: The emergence of a new beauty category

PSYCARE: The emergence of a new beauty category

Amid an unprecedented backdrop of political tensions, recession, war, and climate emergency, the notion of holistic beauty, which has...

Trends: 'Status skin' is the minimalist beauty routine getting love on TikTok

Trends: ’Status skin’ is the minimalist beauty routine getting love on TikTok

After ’skinimalism,’ meet ’status skin’, a beauty routine defined by a natural, minimalist approach, light years away from the contouring...

France: how solid cosmetics are gaining ground in beauty hygiene departments

France: how solid cosmetics are gaining ground in beauty hygiene departments

Conditioners, deodorants, makeup removers… the solid cosmetics offering is broadening, and the number of brands taking their chance on...

Sales of refillable perfumes and cosmetics are booming in France, NPD finds

Sales of refillable perfumes and cosmetics are booming in France, NPD finds

Refills are not only for shower, bath or body care products sold in supermarkets! In order to meet new consumer expectations, luxury...

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latest news

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Created in 2009 in Milan (Italy), Esxence, The Art of Perfumery, is the one of the main global fragrance fairs for Niche perfumery. This...

Tubing mascaras: “The eye makeup trend brands must meet,” says IL Cosmetics

Tubing mascaras: “The eye makeup trend brands must meet,” says IL Cosmetics

In the ever-evolving world of beauty, IL Cosmetics listens and monitors to emerging and underlying trends. As it will present its latest...

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

The 2024 edition of in-cosmetics Global, which will be held in Paris from April 16 to 18, 2024, will once again be an opportunity for...

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