The lack of sleep, means dark circles, puffy eyes, dull complexion, drawn features... and sometimes even a dampened mood. Based on scientific studies on physiological markers of fatigue [1], Sederma went to the heart of the cell to propose a new active ingredient from an extract of Albizia or silk tree skin to combat skin fatigue.

According to Sederma, Prodizia supports the cells detoxification systems at the proteasome and glyoxalase levels to repair the protein structures damaged by glycation. Its curative action does not stop there since it also regulates the skin’s levels of melatonin, the hormone of sleep and its restorative action.
Tested in vivo during two months, volunteers have noticed an improvement of 44% of their skin fatigue. "The skin is refreshed like it would after a good night’s sleep," confirms a panellist.
The active originating from the silk tree is compliant with the Chinese regulations, a rare enough fact to be mentioned.