Premium Beauty News - MakeUp in Sao Paulo! Some would be tempted to add: At last!
Sandra Maguarian - The concept had proven its worth in Paris, New York and Seoul. It had become absolutely necessary to organize MakeUp in SaoPaulo. Especially since players in the sector, were often asking us... "So, when are you organizing something in Sao Paulo?"
Premium Beauty News - What has changed over the past two years, to enable you to eventually organize MakeUp in Sao Paulo?
Sandra Maguarian - In the space of two years, many international manufacturers decided to set up a foothold in the country with this argument in mind: "we need to settle here to help develop the market!" With the "MakeUp In...» concept, in a way, we support them in this "market creation" strategy. It was the right time.
Premium Beauty News - More than 2.7 billion dollars! This is the most widely accepted figure for estimating the make-up market in Brazil. Quit enough to attract the attention of many companies.
Sandra Maguarian - Two hundred million inhabitants, among which slightly less than a half are women, Brazil is more than ever at the centre of the global development of the make-up sector. And it’s not just Brazil. The entire South American continent is concerned with this development, with in particular, countries like Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina.

Premium Beauty News - With still very specific distribution channels in Brazil?
Sandra Maguarian - That’s right, today, the bulk of sales still relies on door to door sales, but other distribution channels are developing rapidly. There are about 7,000 chain stores and more than 53,000 independent. A network that several leading international brands have decided to invest systematically and successfully! There is also the power of communication represented by the internet. You should see the number of bloggers who express themselves, for example, on nail polish. Maybelline in Brazil now has over 300,000 fans on its Facebook pages. The potential is there. 85 million Brazilian women use make-up products every day and they are using them increasingly! They are much better informed and have rising incomes.

But it is important to note that MakeUp in Sao Paulo will be the MakeUp trade show intended for the whole South American continent.