Created in 2002 by Christophe Winckler, Lessonia celebrated its 15th anniversary this summer. During its 15-year existence, the French SME has successfully reinvented and adapted itself to its environment. Initially specialized in the micronization of algae for the thalassotherapy market, Lessonia now claims to be the global leader for natural exfoliating ingredients. The company is also recognized as a cosmetic products manufacturer for major brands in France and across the globe.
“The success of Lessonia is based on the involvement of its workforce, tight-knit and reactive to satisfy its customers’ demands,” explains the company in a release.
Today, Lessonia’s team has reached the number of 100 employees, whose 90% are in permanent contract. This represents a growth of 30% regarding the previous year (25 supplementary jobs).
A second factory in 2018
The strong development of its activity has led the company to increase its production capacity. For this purpose, a few days ago, Lessonia debuted the construction of a 8000m2 new production facility (split on two levels). This new factory will be entirely dedicated to the filling of skin care products and soaked sheet masks. A brand new equipment will also be acquired to support the expansion.
Key figures: 100 employees |