Premium Beauty News - Quite a progression for your company since its creation, in 1994. What explains this success?
Vittoria Cicchetti - Since the beginning, we have been an open-minded, customer oriented, very transparent and earnest company. We try to create a strong partnership with our clients. We love to work together, move forward together and grow together with them. At the same time, we are always trying to spark innovation, in all its forms. Our R&D department is constantly pushing forward to implement new technologies: that’s why we are always up to date with the cosmetics world’s evolution. We take pride in the quality of our products and processes, certified by the highest quality standards. Each year we work to improve our supply and production chain, to give our clients the best possible service.
Premium Beauty News - Within a few years Regi has become a major supplier in the make-up business. The opening of a new plant in the United States is a key step of the company’s global expansion.
Vittoria Cicchetti - We created the company in 1994. Very quickly we benefited from strong growth. And as of the year 2010 we decided to build a new industrial site in Crema where we are now and then to settle in India in 2010 in a factory with a surface area of 3,500 sq. m. (37 673 sq. ft.). As for Regi USA that we are now opening, it was designed as a new production and distribution unit, a new milestone for our company, with the clear idea to merge our business model into an American operational approach and an innovative logistics system.
Our presence on the US market goes back to many years, just like the decision to invest in tailor-made formulations to suit the American market. It became a reality this year, with a 4,500 sq. m. (48,437 sq. ft.) facility, replicating the same technological standard as Regi’s HQ in Italy. The plant is fully equipped to deal with the main product categories from day one (powders, emulsions, anhydrous products) with a possibility for expansion.
Premium Beauty News - You already had a footprint in the United States. This new plant is a logical outcome!
Vittoria Cicchetti - Over the years, our relationship with American clients grew so much tighter that it almost seemed natural to get closer to them physically. Regi USA has the same imprinting that our clients are familiar with: over the edge technology, high capacity, flexibility, certified quality standards, total traceability, quality as our philosophy of work. And the same level of expertise of our people and the same love for our products than we have in Italy.
At the same time, Regi USA will be a revolution for our US customers and all those who need global distribution thanks to a faster, simpler and more comfortable way to work together. A great step forward: to imagine, develop and produce literally by their side. New challenges, new solutions but the same passion.