ID bio’s new range of botanical extracts is more than French made it is locally sourced. Surely an asset when it is all about “local production” and short supply chains.
“Terroir en beauté“ is a range of extracts that have been created with raw materials sourced in France. Those botanical ingredients offer a return to basics that is encouraged by a growing number of cosmetic manufacturers.

ID bio has created close business relations with producers based in France. Indeed, those suppliers were so durably invested in organic farming and dedicated to cultivate local varieties, that it seemed obvious to launch this new project. A real network has been developed all over French regions to promote botanical resources and to offer natural extracts to cosmetic labels and manufacturers. "Terroir en beauté" promotes the geographical origin (each batch is provided with detailed data regarding the location where it was produced), the sustainable sourcing while offering a green and soft process, developed by the R&D Department.
To date, about fifteen extracts have been unveiled. Ideal references for the beauty actors who want to underline the “made in France” concept and all its benefits. For instance, ID bio will offer a highbush blueberry extract from the Vosges mountains, a Guérande grey salt extract, a red currant extract from Ardèche and a saffron extract from Limousin !