Premium Beauty News - So, what is this miracle recipe?
Sandra Maguarian - The ingredients in this recipe were first, enthusiasm, passion, adventure... MakeUp in Paris, followed by MakeUp in New York and now by MakeUp in Seoul are clearly causing this "special something", this tremor, which are little or not at all felt in bigger events. It is true that the affective, almost carnal side of the event is easier to develop when you’re dealing with fifty or a hundred exhibitors. But the "compact format" of the event does not explain everything. Our industrial partners, who decide to embark on the adventure by renting some exhibition space, quickly find out that their presence is not just a matter of square meters. We really want to involve them throughout the duration of the event, which they accept enthusiastically. Workshops, special animations, conferences are among the many means they have available to take part to this great two–day celebration dedicated to make-up. The balance we chose between formula manufacturers, packaging specialists and accessory manufacturers is also no mere coincidence. By highlighting first the content, then the container and finally the accessories, it is the entire visitorship configuration which is targeted. It is clear that the content is what marketing services are mostly interested in and they prove it every year by massively attending our events each year. This is an important element! Not to say very important! It gives these marketing teams the opportunity to discover, touch, test, admire, what will make the uniqueness of the product they will be launching in the future.
But that’s not all! The fact to keep on providing everyone with similar of very similar stands, by promoting finally what should really be, that is to say the product, is what seduces the visitor, namely the client. Focus on key points!
Premium Beauty News - Figures alone are impressive if you look at the ratio on the number of visitors/number of exhibitors!
Jean-Yves Bourgeois - Yes that’s an interesting fact to highlight. This ratio is incredibly profitable to us. 2,600 visitors in Paris last year for 80 exhibitors...; 1,600 visitors in New York for 65 exhibitors and 1,800 visitors in Seoul for 32 exhibitors! A contact cost difficult to beat, don’t you think? Especially since the average cost of a fully furnished stand that includes, in addition, the food service for two days, and even the cocktail party on the first evening is particularly competitive.
Premium Beauty News - The story of MakeUp in Seoul is in line with its two Paris and New York sister events?
Sandra Maguarian - It’s true! In any case, what prevailed first was the speed of decision, the responsiveness of industry stakeholders who immediately decided to join us and, admittedly, the also very quick success of the event. In the case of MakeUp in Seoul, Jean-Yves Bourgeois and I wish to thank in particular the Korean men and women who helped us make a success of this first edition. We were very proud to organize MakeUp in Seoul and the feedback we had in terms of expressions of support and very concretely in terms of help, was particularly impressive. Everyone wanted this first edition to be a success and it certainly was beyond all expectations. This is a real concentration of innovation and professionalism that the 1,800 visitors were able to appreciate for two days in Seoul.
Premium Beauty News - Paris, New York, Seoul....What’s next?
Jean-Yves Bourgeois - Our legitimate ambition is to make each of these three events, a major regional event. For MakeUp in Paris in June, the region is Europe, for MakeUp in New York in September, the region is North America and for MakeUp in Seoul in March, the region is Asia.
There are already many events around the world... too many some will say! We mustn’t be getting too much of a good thing. Besides, we don’t consider ourselves as competitors to the rest of the event organizers! We are not in the same league, be it in terms of price or in terms of exhibition space, or, simply, in terms of concept. Even if we believe that our assets are real, the fact remains that the first quality that an event organizer must have is humility. And we are very attentive first and foremost to the wishes expressed by industrial partners who accompany us.