The two groups had announced it in February and the acquisition is now fully completed.
Through its subsidiary Qualipac, the Pochet Group, has just acquired 100% of Lisi Cosmetics shares and voting rights. The sale is effective since April 6.

According to stated Pierre Hemar, Qualipac’s Chairman, integrating the skills and know-how of Lisi Cosmetics should allow Qualipac to continue its expansion in the specific segment of luxury and exclusive cosmetics.
"With the integration of Lisi Cosmetics recognized expertise, particularly in the transformation and decoration of aluminum, Qualipac continues its expansion by completing its technology portfolio and product offering," added Irene Gosset, CEO of the Pochet Group.
For its part, the Lisi Group is entirely withdrawing from the cosmetics business in order to refocus its operations on its core businesses, namely fasteners and mechanical components,

Now operating six factories located in several regions of the world (three in France, two in China and one in Brazil), Qualipac, a 100% subsidiary of the Pochet Group, employs about 2800 people. More than half of its turnover is generated abroad. With consolidated sales of around 400 million euros in 2010, the Pochet Group is the world’s leading supplier of multi-material packaging - in particular glass and plastic - for high-end perfume and cosmetic brands.