“Eternelle introduces an innovative technology that revives the elegance and tradition of a timeless gesture to spray luxury fragrances,” says Aptar.
While some perfumery brands are trying to get back to their roots, Aptar beauty+home is bringing “exceptional technology to enhance the art of perfuming”.
Indeed, this perfume atomizer, which is apparently very traditional, brings the assurance of a simple and effective locking mechanism. This patented innovation allows for locking the bottle with a simple quarter turn and guarantees with absolutely certainty that it is perfectly leak-proof.
Furthermore, the bulb is designed so as it can be mounted directly onto the perfume bottle on the production line. This will allow consumers to discover the object in its entirety when they open the box.
Eternelle has been designed with total respect for the fragrance. It adapts to FEA 15 (Seal Tight) and Europa 4 bottle necks and allows the same bottle to be used for both a classic spray version as well as a bulb spray version
without any adaptation.
“Eternelle is an innovative perfume atomiser, the first of its kind on the market demonstraing that the art of perfuming is all about the gesture… the timeless gesture of Eternelle,” says the company in a release.
Enhancing this launch, in tune with Eternelle’s "spirit of luxury", Solev, the specialist in packaging decoration design for perfumes, cosmetics and spirits, has created a silvery metal veil that descends over the bottle, gradually revealing a deep purple tone. A silk-screen print provides the finishing touch.