Mario De Luigi

Premium Beauty news - Your presence is noticeable! If only because of your willingness to be attending all major trade shows in the world.

Mario De Luigi - The stand is actually the visible part of the iceberg. This is the result of a daily work of questioning, of creativity and innovation. B.Kolor has achieved giant’s steps in recent months to elaborate and develop new materials, new skin touches, new sensations, the whole of it in harmony with current market needs.

Premium Beauty nnews - And those needs, what are they precisely?

Mario De Luigi - The world is going in two fundamental directions that are opposite yet at the same time complementary: on the one hand there is a tendency to get closer and more respectful of nature through the use of elements that the planet can autonomously regenerate and on the other hand, there is daily progress in technological developments that are functional to the life of human beings.

The latter does not exclude the former, the technological objectives respect nature as creation and as evolution of systems that were devised over the years. A new energy that is acting as a propeller towards a healthier, more comfortable and trouble-free future. Rhythms are changing and the quest for global well-being tends to replace the purely material research. Levels of well-being and well-looking are now a gobal well-being which tends to replace the purely material research. Levels of well being and well looking are now construed to match specific individual needs.

Premium Beauty News - So this is a complete new range of products.

Mario De Luigi - Yes, it is a range of cosmetics which have been produced using the maximum vegetable contents possible with up to 100 % natural results. A post organic evolution that intends to raise the concept of nature where human beings would draw from everything the planet has to offer and which the planet itself could renew regardless of the will of man.

Inside this range of cosmetics, we have «Vegan», a collection for those who changed this concept into a philosophy of life. It is earmarked with respectful and meticulous care for detail.

«Biotech» is a highly-scientific functional organic range, a combination that ensures performance comparable with the best engineering innovation has to offer.

A very important section in our company because for the last six years we have worked very hard in this area to obtain exceptional products.
But there are also «Cheminature», «Perfomers», «Effect», «Stay» and «Glam glass». It is much better to see and touch them than speak about them.

Premium Beauty News - Your presence abroad continues to increase.

Mario De Luigi - Quite true! We have approached many new territories in the world, following our one-small-step-at-a-time philosophy. Today we can consider ourselves as an international reality. Given the specificity of our products and the success they encounter, requirements are huge and within reach. We don’t want to miss these opportunities and believe me, we won’t!