For those who were involved in the project, John Galliano’s first-ever fragrance was a demanding challenge. In terms of visual appeal, the package had to convey Galliano’s singular design aesthetic and love of textiles and textures. It also had to project the sense of exclusivity and drama carefully cultivated by the couturier. On many occasion this implied to develop complex and innovative techniques.
Selective Beauty, the brand’s licensee, chose Rexam for manufacturing the intricate closure and pump assembly that dresses the vial. “No doubt – this perfume package was a challenge and we needed a technical tour de force to make it work,” says Elisabeth Benoit, Cosmetic Closures Sales Director, Rexam Personal Care.
Rexam’s so-called “Center of Excellence” in Simandre, France had to offer world-class expertise in technologies to address the challenge. For example, a great lacquering ability was required so that the deep rich black of the Gothic “G” over-actuator, crafted of weighted PP, perfectly matches the collar. “The degree of detail of the collar and the rose, and the actual depth of the relief, underscores our skill in complex injection,” adds Elisabeth Benoit.

Eventually, Rexam’s SP6 compact pump, with its excellent pre-compression characteristics, is adapted to this kind of deluxe fragrances where designers develop bold, creative bottle shapes.
European distribution of the products is now underway and will continue, worldwide, in 2009. The three SKU line includes 40 ml, 60ml and 90 ml.