Premium Beauty News - So MakeUp in Paris in 2011 will take place at the Carrousel du Louvre. For those who are not familiar with this location where is it exactly?
Sandra Maguarian - Indeed, MakeUp in Paris in 2011 will take place at the Carrousel du Louvre from June 23 to June 24 next year. The whole world knows the Louvre; it is one of the most visited museums in the world. In 1990 an extension was built by the architect Leoh Ming Pei hosting an exhibition area, fashion shows and a shopping mall. The Carrousel du Louvre is located near the Place de la Concorde, just after the Tuileries Gardens.
Premium Beauty News - Why such a choice?
Sandra Maguarian - It is in Paris one of the latest, most modern and most functional exhibition area and personally, I consider it as the most beautiful! It is very well served by public transports, it is located in the golden Triangle of Paris which represents two major advantages for exhibitors and visitors. It is a place steeped in history where hopefully in turn, make-up will write its own.
Moreover, while keeping in mind the desire of make-up professionals to come together in a friendly and human-scale atmosphere, the organization of this second edition of MakeUp in Paris required a larger space, allowing us to host more exhibitors and provide more space for animations and in particular conferences.
Finally, the flexibility offered by spaces at the Carrousel du Louvre gives us the opportunity to secure future dates for MakeUp in Paris, since we are already booked on the calendar of events for June 2012.

Premium Beauty News - Nearly all exhibitors from the 2010 edition have reregistered, and you’ve already received requests from new companies wanting to participate. What explains this keen interest?
Sandra Maguarian - Yes you are right, almost 95% of exhibitors have reregistered. Such an early renewal rate is an increasingly rare phenomenon noticed by trade show organizers. Companies’ reregistrations put aside, it is to be noted that 20% of them do it by doubling their exhibition space. As for new comers, the majority of them were companies who had strategically wanted to visit the first edition of MakeUp in Paris to make up their mind. It seems that they had a fruitful visit!
This craze is the result of an event created in a highly professional manner, targeted, qualified. We have done our best to assist exhibitors in the organization of their participation and have worked very hard to attract the visitors they were expecting. The first edition of MakeUp in Paris, we believe was a total success.
Premium Beauty News - Can we go back over the statistics of 2010, what are the main lessons?
Sandra Maguarian - 1404 visitors attended the show. And more strikingly, 800 visitors coming from brands were present in June. Exhibitors have expressed it during the event and results of the analysis on visitorship have proved it, marketing and R & D managers were the most numerous. This means that the number of targeted visitors was the one expected.
Above all, the surprise came from the fact we didn’t expect as many international visitors coming from no less than 26 countries, from the U.S. to Vietnam including South Africa.
Premium Beauty News - Make-up animations were one of the highlights of this first edition. One can imagine it will still be the same next year.
Sandra Maguarian - Yes without a doubt. I can even tell you that some of them will surprise you!
The Carrousel du Louvre offers us the possibility to organize animations in better conditions, sometimes on a larger scale to allow maximum participation and visibility. For the time being, I can’t lift the veil on these animations, but I will keep you informed as soon as possible.