The D.E.F.I. system is developed for the first time ever, all industries combined, by Laboratoires Dermatologiques Avène. D.E.F.I., in French for Dispositif Exclusif Formule Intacte (Exclusive Device for an Intact Formula), offers the possibility to use sterile formulas, with no preservatives in a large tube capacity.
A special inner sleeve for the tube was manufactured to adapt to the new "D.E.F.I" cap system. These two parts (sleeve and cap) overlap perfectly and provide total sealing. The "D.E.F.I" cap consists of four parts including a flexible membrane that uplifts when pressure is applied on the tube to resume initial position when pressure is released.

These are very high precision components, manufactured to the hundredth of a millimetre, to ensure perfect coherency to the whole. Sealing controls are performed at different stages of cap assembling. Finally, the cover fits perfectly on to the cap (no space in between) and is sealed by a inviolability clip which will only be removed by the end customer.
The Avène’s Toléance Extrême range, are the first care products to benefit from the D.E.F.I. system. The range consists in a set of skincare products, free from preservative, fragrance and surfactants, and dedicated to hypersensitive of allergic skins and persons looking for safety.