Share the group’s vision
Attending L’Oréal’s Supplier Day Asia Pacific, more than 350 people, coming from 140 companies producing raw materials, packaging, machines, including almost all of the Group’s sub-contractors operating in the area.
Main targeted and achieved goals: share the group’s vision in Asia for the next decade to come and reward the work carried out by a number of suppliers during the past three years. Twelve of them received a reward.
Orchestrator of this big show the Asia Pacific Sourcing Centre of the L’Oréal Group.
“A great initiative very well organized, informative, professional and friendly...” These were roughly the comments that punctuated, here and there, conversations among the community of supplier concerned by this meeting.

On the afternoon of November 9th, on the eve of Cosmoprof Asia, participants attended several speeches including those of Frédéric Heinrich, Director of Operations, Jacques Sebban, Director of Sourcing Asia Pacific, Christopher Guesnet, Corporate packaging purchasing Director, not to mention the introductory video by Jochen Zaumseil, Vice President General Manager of the Asia Pacific zone, also followed by that of Barbara Lavernose CPO World, and by other trades in Operations and stakeholders in Research and Innovation.
Meet expectations
"In fact," we were told at L’Oréal, "this half day of presentations, information and meetings was the result of a strong demand expressed by our suppliers after a big survey we had conducted a few months ago. The organization of such an event was one of the main expectations expressed by suppliers, in order to reward the work carried out jointly, to explain the group’s strategy and to outline a vision as clear as possible on the needs to come with, at the end, an open and direct questions and answers session between business partners."
500 million new consumers
Attendants learned that the L’Oréal group’s challenge in Asia was represented by an impressive figure, the arrival of 500 million new consumers in the next ten years to come.
The figure is resulting in a direct impact on the group’s production capacity which should then be multiplied by four during this period! All the Group’s factories in the region will be concerned, namely the two existing plants in China and those located in Indonesia, India and Japan, a total of five.
To note that the group is taking this opportunity to build a brand new factory in Indonesia which should be operational by mid 2011. At the same time, L’Oréal is launching a hefty program to extend the capacity of the factory located in India. “Furthermore, the group is already looking for new sites to increase its presence in China, India, and the ASEAN,” underlined L’Oréal’s executives in front of an audience obviously delighted to hear such a program. Business is business!
"And the winner is?"
Icing on the cake for the 140 attending suppliers, the classification of results rewarding the best of them and this in all areas of the container/content activity, without forgetting sub-contractors to the sector for the following axes: quality, supply chain, innovation as well as a global price of excellence.
12 suppliers were singled out. And this year the global award of excellence was granted to the packaging company Beautystar.