The exclusive partnership between Geka and Ancorotti, which will be effective from 1st of July 2009, has been created with the aim of providing creative and innovative high-quality eye make-up tools to the market.

Both companies are highly experienced experts in the eye make-up segment. Thanks to a tight cooperation, Geka Brush and Ancorotti Cosmetics aim to create a perfect synergy between packaging and formulation.
"Make-up brands will benefit from innovative and sophisticated product developments, which are perfectly matched. Fancy formulations in creative colours and textures combined with innovative high-tech applicators and harmonising delivery systems will be the result of this great association,“ the companies commented in a release.

"This step enables both Geka and Ancorotti to be even more flexible and speeding up time to market by simplifying the supply chain and decision making process of the brands. The resulting added value is going to bear on a competitive advantage for the customers,“ they added.
Starting point is eye make-up but for sure there is more to come...