The launch of Parfums Corolle should represent a new milestone in the development of the still recent segment of selective perfumery for children. For the first time, a renowned designer, Serge Mansau was asked to develop an original and innovative bottle for children. In a few simple ideas, he managed to transpose to the universe of perfumery the identity of a singular brand.
Created in 1979, Corolle is currently the leading brand for high end dolls in France. Designed by a French company based in Langeais, near Tours, and incorporated since 1989 to the Mattel Group, Corolle dolls are distributed in 29 countries.
"For thirty years, Corolle dolls have been vanilla perfumed and distinguish themselves with a wide range of clothing. This doll dressing game has been recreated in an original way adding the perfume product" explains Frédéric Beaulieu, CEO of The Millennium Essence Company, which has a worldwide license for the exploitation of the brand in Perfumery.
Ten years after the launch of Kaloo parfumes, which still remains a best-selling product in the segment (nearly 16% market share in France, behind Tartine & Chocolat and Jacadi) and the launch in 2003 of Clayeux Perfumes, Frederic Beaulieu wanted to rely on "best talents to design an exceptional product."
Serge Mansau’s key idea was to create the shape of a little girl embossed on the bottle, a shape that little users can dress up in different outfits, just like they do with their Corolle dolls. A plain idea, but demanding a technical achievement that proved more difficult than expected, as to comply The Millennium Essence Company to delay the launch.

"The design of the three small thermoformed plastic clothes that come with the bottle was a real challenge", explains Frederic Beaulieu. "Manufacturers skilled in the sheet by sheet thermoforming no longer exist in France, and to find one in Europe was not easy, especially with our technical requirements. Eventually, it’s a Spanish company specialized in the manufacturing of relief maps that took up the challenge and managed the blanking of the product as we wanted it". A patent was even filed for the system implemented to lay plastic parts on relief glass.
Corolle perfumes exist in three fragrances: Vanilla, Cherry, Rose et Fleur (Rose and Flower). They are available in bottles or in gift boxes with a Corolle doll, following the concept that made the success of Kaloo perfumes.
The design of the 60 ml bottle was entrusted the French glassmaker Pochet. The Surlyn stopper was manufactured by Codiplast, the pump and pump cover by EMSAR. The fragrances are signed Mane, Robert and Expressions Parfumées.
With the launch of Parfums Corolles, The Millennium Essence Company intends pursuing the route leading to the position of market leader for children fragrances. A niche that still represents 1% in market value and 2% in volume, and which is particularly strong in travel retail where The Millennium Essence Company achieves nearly 25% of its turnover.
"These are ideal gifts on a trip return, the guilty gift par excellence," explains Frederic Beaulieu. The segment also benefits from the advent of the spoiled child from new family models and the standard of two children per couple. "A newborn baby, at birth, receives an average of 32 presents and thereafter children continue to be pampered, not just at Christmas or on birthdays." Many reasons to be optimistic for the future, especially since this family model is globalizing itself.